The vast majority of skin cancers, once diagnosed, simply require removal or excision. This is done by cutting the skin around the cancer under local anaesthetic. Most excisions are simple and quick. A few stitches are placed in the skin and these are removed a week or two later. In most cases this is curative and nothing further needs to be done. Occasionally it might be necessary to excise a further piece of skin to ensure the cancer is fully removed. All specimens taken at our clinic will be sent for examination and analysis by a pathologist to determine if all the cancer has been removed.
As far as melanomas are concerned, excision is the only treatment. Excision for treatment of melanomas must be done as early as possible and with a correct margin to provide the best chance of cure. Most melanomas detected at skin cancer clinics are cured. The key is to make the diagnosis early. Remember, early detection is the best protection.
If you have any suspicions about a mole or other spot on your skin,
please don’t hesitate from contacting us for an appointment at
03 6411 6711

During your skin check your doctor may find a suspicious mole or lesion. If found, your doctor will then consult with you about having a minor procedure called a biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure to remove a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your body so that it can be analysed in a laboratory. A biopsy is quick and safe.
After using a local anaesthetic to numb the area, your doctor will use a scalpel to remove the entire lesion, along with a surrounding border of normal skin to attain a safety margin. The wound is then closed with stitches. The excised tissue is then sent to the laboratory to verify that the margins are clear of residual lesion.
After using a local anaesthetic to numb the area, your doctor will scrape off the cancerous growth using a curette, which a spoon shaped surgical instrument. The wound is left open to heal naturally. The cure rate of Curettage approaches that of excisional surgery. It’s fast and easy to perform, and wound care is often minimal. The cosmetic outcome can be outstanding. Curettage may not be the best option for aggressive carcinomas, or those in high risk, difficult sites.
Cryotherapy destroys a lesion with extreme cold using liquid nitrogen. With this treatment, liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto the lesion to cause a destructive reaction that heals over several days. Cryotherapy can be used for some small lesions, but is not recommended for larger ones or those on certain parts of the nose, ears, eyelids, scalp or legs.
This treatment is suitable for superficial and nodular Basal Cell Carcinomas as well as non invasive/intra-epidermal Squamous Cell Carcinomas. It is often performed on cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face. It is usually done in two sessions one week apart. Each session requires two appointments 3 hour apart. At the first appointment a photosensitising cream is applied which needs to be left on for a 3 hour duration. The cream is then left in place to activate and you may leave the clinic during this stage. On your return the treated area is illuminated with a special intense red light source. This takes around 7 minutes. There may be a small amount of pain and healing occurs within a week or so.
This is a relatively new treatment. Daylight Photodynamic Therapy or Daylight PDT is a simple, non-invasive procedure which is used to treat pre-cancerous skin lesions. This treatment involves applying a photosensitising cream to the affected area of skin. Natural daylight is then used to activate the treated area, which destroys the abnormal cells but does not affect healthy tissue.
Topical antimetabolite creams are suitable for actinic keratoses and early pre-invasive squamous cell carcinomas that are thin. This group of drugs is the most commonly prescribed topical therapy for actinic keratosis and superficial squamous cell carcinomas. These medications are anti-neoplastic, but have virtually no internal effects when used topically. When used for actinic keratosis, they have the ability to treat not just the obvious lesions, but can get rid of the subclinical ones as well. Nightly application is suggested, usually for two to three weeks, during which time the skin may become red and inflamed. The healing time takes about two weeks after completion and the cosmetic result is often outstanding with a cure rate of about 93 percent.
These treatment are suitable for superficial Basal Bell Carcinomas and Aktinic Keratoses. These immune response modifiers stimulate the immune system to destroy cancerous and pre-cancerous cells. They are applied nightly for two to six weeks. These creams can treat subclinical lesions, as well as the more obvious actinic keratoses. They are generally well tolerated when used as prescribed by our doctors. Redness and ulcerations may occur with these treatment but generally they are well tolerated.
These medications are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory topical agents used to treat Actinic Keratoses (sun spots) on sun-exposed areas of the body. These prescription medications needs to be applied twice daily for 60 to 90 days and there is usually minimal visible reaction.